Page 210 - VSI Master Catalog
P. 210
PErformaNCE hEaD GaskEts
• Perma-Torque racing gaskets that seal. Pre-flattened Steel Wire Ring Head Gaskets. The strength of steel wire sealing with minimum brinelling of aluminum heads. Pre-flattened Copper Wire Ring Head Gaskets- Copper will not brinell aluminum heads.
• Offers superior heat dissipation from combustion hot spots. Loc-Wire Ring Head Gaskets-Fel-Pro’s ‘’Loc-Wire’’ cylinder head gaskets are engineered to provide the best sealing available for severe applications.
• Oversized wire rings that lock into receiver grooves, which must be machined into the cylinder heads. Precise machining is critical to the success of this gasket. All gaskets are sold one per package.
BuICk V6
application thickness Bore
FEL1000 196-252, Stage I or Stage II Heads Steel Wire .039” 4.020”
FEL1007 196-252, Stage I or Stage II Heads Loc Wire
FEP1002 1995-06 3.8L, 4.3L V6, Steel-Wire
FEL1003 262-400, Steel Wire
FEL1004 262-400, Steel Wire, 400 Race
FEL1010 262-400, Copper Wire, Aluminum Heads
FEL1014 262-400, Steel Wire, Also Marine
FEL1034 262-400, Steel Wire, 400 Race
FEL1036 262-400, Steel Wire, Extra Large Bore
FEL1043 262-350, Steel Wire, Small CC Alum. Head
FEL1044 262-400, Loc Wire, Extra Thick, Cyl. Hd Mach Req.
FEL1045 262-400, Loc Wire, cyl. Head Mach. Required
FEL1074 Corvette, Camaro, Firebird, Copper Wire
FEL1012 Gen IV, V, VI, Server Duty, Loc Wire
FEL1017-1 Gen IV, Steel Wire .041” 4.540”
FEL1017-2 Gen IV, Steel Wire, Extra Thick
FEL1027 Gen IV, Copper Wire, Aluminum Heads
FEL1037 Gen IV, V, VI, Steel Wire, Also Marine
FEL1047 Gen IV, V, VI, Steel Wire, Also Marine
FEL1057 Gen IV, Steel Wire, Extra Large Bore
FEL1067 Gen IV, V, VI, Steel Wire, Extra Large Bore
FEL1093 Gen IV, Steel Wire, Pro-Stock GM Bolt Pat.
FEL1089 GM 500 V8, Steel-Wire, Pro-Stock GM Bolt Pattern
FEL1098 GM 500 V8, Steel-Wire, Pro-Stock GM Bolt Pattern
FEL1009 All 361-440 Except Hemi, Steel Wire
FEL1039 426 Hemi, Steel Wire, Large Bore
FEL1105 Extra Large Bore, Steel Wire
FEL1106 Standard Bore, Steel Wire
.039” 4.100”
.041” 4.166”
.041” 4.166”
.041” 4.190”
.039” 4.166”
.039” 4.200”
.041” 4.200”
.051” 4.250”
.039” 4.080”
.051” 4.200”
.039” 4.180” .039” 4.125”
.039” 4.640”
.051” 4.540”
.039” 4.370”
.039” 4.370”
.039” 4.540”
.039” 4.630”
.039” 4.630”
.051” 4.620”
.051” 4.620”
.051” 4.780”
.039” 4.410”
.051” 4.590”
.051” 4.590” .039” 4.340”
BuICk 400, 430, 455
FEL1125 All V8, 400, 430, 455 .041” 4.385”
ChEVy V6, 262
FEL1032 1987-89 GM 262 V6 Steel-Wire, w/Oversize .041” 4.200”
sB ChEVy ‘59-’79, 262-400
FEL1094 262-350, Racing Extra Thin, Embossed Shim .015” 4.100”
5.7l, lt1-lt4 ‘92-’96
5.7l, ls1 ‘97-’04
FEL1041 Corvette, Camaro, Firebird, Steel Wire .041” 4.135”
BB ChEVy 396-502 GEN IV, V, VI
sB ChryslEr ‘64-’89
FEL1008 All 273-360, Steel Wire, exp.64-67 Canada .039” 4.180”
BB ChryslEr ‘59-’78
426 hEmI
FEL1104 Extra Large Bore, Steel Wire .051” 4.590”
forD 2.3l
FEL1035 All 2.3L 4 inline, Steel Wire .041” 3.930”